OpenSwing Components

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Table of contents

1 Table of contents 2
2 Document revisions 5
3 Preface 8
4 Introduction to OpenSwing 10
5 Overall features of the framework 11
5.1 Framework’s architecture 13
5.1.1 Presentation layer 13
5.1.2 Server-side layer 15
5.1.3 Data access layer 15
5.2 OpenSwing based Applications Architecture 15
6 Layout of framework classes 18
7 Presentation tier development 20
7.1 Frame/Internal Frame development 20
7.1.1 MDI Environment 20
7.1.2 Non MDI Frames 33
7.2 Base graphics controls 33
7.3 Graphics controls container (Form) 43
7.3.1 Supported operation modes of Form 43
7.3.2 Buttons connected to Form 44
7.3.3 Form data model 44
7.3.4 Form Controller 45
7.3.5 Advanced topics 66
7.4 Buttons 69
7.5 Unique toolbar 72
7.6 Lookup 74
7.6.1 Lookup graphics control 75
7.6.2 Lookup column 76
7.6.3 Lookup Controller 77
7.6.4 Invalid code recovery policy 79
7.6.5 Data retrieval for a lookup 79
7.6.6 Lookup with multiple code selection 84
7.7 Grid control 84
7.7.1 Grid columns 85
7.7.2 Popup menu 95
7.7.3 Columns level permissions 97
7.7.4 Supported operation modes in grid 98
7.7.5 Data loading on grid 99
7.7.6 Buttons connected to a grid 100
7.7.7 Grid Controller 102
7.7.8 Exporting data from grids – advanced topics 110
7.7.9 Drag ‘n drop between grids 113
7.7.10 Utility methods on grid 113
7.7.11 Locking rows 115
7.8 Grid having nested components 117
7.9 PivotTable component 121
7.10 Tree component 124
7.10.1 Tree+Grid component 127
7.11 Tree+Grid component 127
7.12 Properties grid 129
7.13 Domains and combo-box 130
7.14 Application graphical settings 131
7.14.1 Internationalization settings 131
7.14.2 Buttons Authorizations 133
7.15 Utility classes 134
7.15.1 org.openswing.swing.util.client.ClientUtils 134
7.15.2 org.openswing.swing.util.client.ApplicationEventQueue 135
7.15.3 135
7.15.4 org.openswing.swing.client.AutoCompletitionListener 135
7.16 Messages 135
7.16.1 Send Messages 136
7.16.2 Response Messages 136
7.16.3 Value Object 137
7.17 Gantt 137
7.17.1 Utility classes related to Gantt control 138
7.17.2 GanttControl properties 139
7.17.3 GanttControl utility methods 139
7.17.4 Date retrieval class for the GanttControl 140
7.18 Wizard 140
7.19 Dialog 142
7.20 Splash Screen 142
7.21 Tip of the day 143
7.22 Progress bar 143
7.22.1 Progress-bar 144
7.22.2 Panel that contains a progress-bar 144
7.22.3 Dialog that contains the progress-bar 145
7.23 Licence Agreement panel 145
7.24 Alert window 146
7.25 Iconifable windows grouped together 148
8 Business logic and data access tier development 150
8.1 Utility classes used in server-side tier 150
8.1.1 Server-side controller 150
8.1.2 Action classes collection 152
8.1.3 Database connection manager 153
8.1.4 User authentication 154
8.1.5 Session identifiers generator 154
8.1.6 Server-side log 155
8.2 Utility class useful for data access 156
8.2.1 OpenSwing server-side framework 156
8.2.2 Utility class to use with Hibernate 159
8.2.3 Utility class to use with iBats 160
8.2.4 Utility class to use with JPA/TopLink 160
8.2.5 Utility class to use with Apache Cayenne 161
8.3 Integration with Spring Framework 162
8.3.1 Spring Framework 162
8.3.2 Configuring a 3 tiers application with Spring and OpenSwing 162
8.3.3 User authentication 165
8.3.4 DAO layer development 165
9 Advanced Topics 169
9.1 Development Environments 169
9.2 Object oriented Design 169
9.3 Tips & Tricks 171
9.4 Look ‘n feels and OpenSwing 173
9.5 Application Deploy 173
9.6 Activation of web/distributed applications 174
10 Installation instructions 177
10.1 Setting up OpenSwing distribution 177
10.1.1 Creating a development environment for OpenSwing 178
10.2 Installing OpenSwing components palette in JBuilder 179
10.3 Installing OpenSwing components palette in NetBeans 180
10.4 Installing OpenSwing components palette in JDeveloper 10.1.2 180
10.5 Installing OpenSwing components palette in Eclipse 3.x or WebSphere Studio IDEs 181
10.5.1 Window Builder 181
10.5.2 Jigloo plugin 182
11 Examples 183
12 Tutorial 189
12.1 Creating an MDI Frame 189
12.2 Creating department and task grid frames 189
13 References 191


















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